Santa Fe, Argentina, Air Balance
Argentina (AR):
Air Balance Santa Fe
Acebal Aguirre Alcorta Alvear Amen Arequito Armstrong Arroyito Arroyo Seco Arruf= Arteaga Avellaneda B. De Irigoyen Bella Vista Berabev Bigand Bombal Bustinza Ca Ca Calchaquf Campo Andino Capit Carcara Carlos Pellegrini Carmen Del Sauce Carreras Casalegno Casilda Centeno Ceres Chab Ciudad Evita Clason Colonia Belgrano Colonia La Brava Colonia Margarita Coronda Coronel Arnold Coronel Bogado Coronel Rodrfguez Correa Desmochado Afuera Dfaz Egusquiza El Laurel El TrTbol Elisa Elortondo Empalme Villa Constituci=n Ensanche De Colonia Ella Esmeralda Esperanza Eusebia Felicia Fighiera Firmat Florencia Franck Fray Lufs Beltr Funes G Gobernador Crespo Gobernador G Granadero Baigorria Hughes Humberto 1 Irigoyen Jes L=pez La Lucila Largufa Larrechea Las Ca Las Garzas Las Parejas Las Petacas Las Rosas Las Toscas Loma Alta Los Molinos Los Quebrachos Los Quirquinchos Lucio V. L=pez Maciel Maizales Malabrigo Marcelino Escalada Marfa Susana Marfa Teresa Matheu Matilde Monje Monte Flores Montes De Oca Mu Mugueta Murphy Nelson Oliveros Oro Pilar PTrez Pueblo Puerto San Lorenzo Pujato Rafaela Reconquista Recreo Rodriguez Rold Romang Rosario Rufino Saladero Cabal Saladillo San Antonio San Carlos Centro San Carlos Norte San Carlos Sud San Crist=bal San Genaro San Ger=nimo San Ger=nimo Del Sauce San Ger=nimo Norte San Gregorio San Guillermo San Javier San Jer=nimo San Jorge San JosT San JosT De La Esquina San JosT Del Rinc=n San Justo San Lorenzo Sanford Santa Clara Santa Clara De Buena Vista Santa Fe Santo TomT Sarmiento Sastre Sauce Viejo Soldini Sunchales Tacural Timbues Tortugas Tostado Totoras Uranga Venado Tuerto Vera Villa Ca Villa Constituci=n Villa Estela Villa Gobernador G Villa Guillermina Villa Mugueta Villa Ocampo Villa Parque Villa Trinidad Wheelwright
Air Balance Services powered by Liberty Air Balance Co., Inc. (LABCO) is an independent Air and Hydronics testing agency that provides services for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry. We have been working in the HVAC industry for over 30 years, LABCO has been in business in Southern California since 2003 and is a signatory union shop.
LABCO prides itself in working closely with its clients and expediting accurate air balance reports. Every field employee at LABCO is a TABB certified technician who undergoes rigorous classroom and lab training. We also have certified commissioning agents.
LABCO specializes in:
- Air and water systems balancing of new and existing systems
- Pre-construction surveys and plan check
- Hospital airborne isolation rooms, OR’s and crucial air validation for OSHPD
- Clean room certification
- Fire life safety testing
- Smoke evacuation
- Stairwell pressurization testing
- Duct pressurization/leakage testing
- Ultrasonic water flow measurements
- Fume hood certification
- Kitchen hood certification
- Duct detector testing
- Smoke fire damper testing
- 3rd party testing
- Set OSA
- Set minimum CO2 sensors
- Demand control ventilation
At LABCO we have close working relationships with the following mechanical engineers. TKS&C, TTG Corp., JL Hengstler, Gilmore & Associates, P2S Engineering, Building Mechanical Systems and ME Engineers.
At LABCO we have maintained long term associations with Hoag Memorial Hospital (Newport Beach & Irvine), UCI Medical Center, Mission Hospital Laguna, Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank.
We look forward to the opportunity to be of service to you and your company.